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I finally did it. After a lot of thought and slight apprehension, here is my blog. Welcome!

I've kept the name of Minxx Artistry for a while now, and I wanted to take this time to explain a little of what exactly that name means to me. First, by stating the obvious: Minxx is due to my name, Jaye Minxx. Now, Artistry on the other hand is where I want to explain a little more in depth…


· artistic ability or skill

· a quality that results from an artistic ability or skill

Blank Canvas

I think of life as a painting. A painting that starts off as a blank canvas, that in which over time we create to be a masterpiece that is a reflection of our experiences, our lives, and ourselves. When we are born we are each born into our own blank canvas. Though it is blank; it is of unique quality, varying in special structure for each individual. Our canvas may be rough, bumpy, smooth, or it may be of an inconsistent texture. The structure of our canvas represents the lives, circumstances and backgrounds, of which we were born into: the things in our lives that are out of our control. It is how we maneuver, in, around or through the bumps, and inconsistencies on our canvas that gives our painting character and life.

Adapt, Endure, and Embrace

Life is about going through the motions of finding our place and purpose. I’ve found that it’s only when we learn to adapt, endure, and embrace life is when it begins to make sense. Adapting in a way that we learn and acquire a skill set; our own personal form of artistry that can help us to endure the challenges life hands us. It is then when we can embrace the obstacles given and in return we not only learn more about others but we learn more about who we are as individuals.


Learning isn’t easy when life is your teacher. She can be cold, harsh, and unfair; but it is those cold, harsh and unfair experiences that shape, mold and ultimately teach us. Instead of viewing life as being unfair, we should be grateful for these experiences that we encounter because they enable us to grow, endure and move forward in life.


When we appreciate everything life gives us; good or bad, it gives our hearts a sense of relief. To love and value those around us is the majority of the purpose of life within us. Reality is, our time here is limited and we must feel and show love towards others and ourselves in order to truly ground ourselves into a solid foundation.


We must ground ourselves in a life that is lived honestly. Living with a sense of urgency to do the right things and to do our best to make the right decisions in life, making a daily conscious effort to be who you are genuinely with bona fide intentions. When we continue to follow this through, we end up being happier with our lives and ourselves.

The Masterpiece

In the end you will have created a chaotic yet exquisite work of art. You will have taken your empty canvas and filled it in with your artistry. Absorbed with the colors of the mistakes you’ve made, and the lessons you’ve learned. Your life will be immersed with the memories you have made and the lives’ you’ve impressed upon. After all, it is the thoughts we think, the decisions we make, the ideas we use, the people we surround ourselves with that makes the beautiful brushwork, the messy form, and the balance in our artistry that makes the final composition.


· life

Copyright © Jaye Minxx - Minxx Artistry 2017

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